Tuesday, August 17, 2010

US economic growth slows to 2.4%

US economic growth slowed between April and June, with GDP growing by an annualised rate of 2.4%, the US Commerce Department has said. This compares with an annual rate of 3.7% in the previous quarter. The second quarter figure is a first estimate, and could be revised either up or down in the coming months. There are growing fears about the strength of the US economic recovery, particularly concerning the country's high unemployment rate of 9.5%. Despite the slower rate of growth, economic adviser to the White House Christine Romer said: "This solid rate of growth indicates that the process of steady recovery from the recession continues.

The above article was extracted from Skyline updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA and BBA institutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

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